Course and Package Description
Comprehensive National Exam Preparation
Price: $199

MortgageACE - Preparation for the SAFE National Exam

Comprehensive Exam Preparation with all of the information needed to pass the SAFE National Exam.  Includes over 800 questions, a 450 page study guide and plenty of activities for you to be ready.   

Given the extremely low pass rate, get all the help you need!


  • Pre-Exam Prep Video - Pre-recorded test prep session where we detail what to expect on test day, smart test-taking tips, how to study, what to study, and where to find extra help
  • Interactive Activities - Several activities to get your brain working, including flash cards, memory games and other brain challenges
  • Practice Exams - Five practice exams with 125 Questions each which you can finish over multiple sessions and with no time limit
  • Simulated Exam - 125 question exam pulled from a pool of 625 questions and timed, just like the National Exam.
  • Live Instructor Office Hours - Instructors will have drop-in hours where you can ask questions via face-to-face video.
  • Study guide - Comprehensive, searchable online study guide that has all of the information you need to pass the exam 
  • All exams and quizzes have unlimited retakes and full explanations