Late CE

The SAFE Act mandates that continuing education can only count for the year it is taken.  If you do not complete your CE during the calendar year you wish to apply the education to, then you must take "LATE CE".  LATE CE allows you to complete CE in the current calendar year, but apply it to a previous year. Late CE is the same material as last year's CE, but you will need it if either one of the below is true:

  1. Reinstatement.  The NMLS recognizes a reinstatement period from January 1 to the end of February each year. During this reinstatement period, MLOs who did not fulfill their CE requirement in the previous year must complete a Late CE course to reinstate their license.  
  2. Re-Licensing.  If you were previously licensed and have been instructed to complete CE for the last active license year before re-licensing, you will need to take a Late CE course that will apply to the last year in which you maintained an active license.

If you are unsure what you need, check with the NMLS or your state regulator first!
