Course and Package Description
mSkills - Sales Mastery Bundle
Price: $39

Sales Mastery Bundle

Our sales mastery training bundle covering vital topics such as

  •  Automating Sales Processes
  • Becoming a Subject Matter Expert
  • Cross-Cultural Negotiations (when Selling)
  • Creating Your Pipeline
  • Effective Presentations

Scroll down to explore details about each course in the bundle.

mSkills - Automating Sales Processes 10 Mins

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

You may have started your career in sales thinking it would be all face-to-face or telephone conversations with potential customers, only to find once you start that a significant portion of your time is spent on other tasks, which are important, but don’t actively generate sales. Seems like a waste, right?

Well, there may be a way you can make it more like you imagined, with more time to speak directly with your prospects. By automating certain processes, you can save time that you can direct back to your sales pitches. And by doing this, you may even see a sizable improvement in your sales figures. This course will give you some tips on how to do it.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Understand the benefits of automating your sales processes
• Recognize sales processes that are commonly automated
• Identify which of your sales processes would be most effective to automate

Why take this course?

As a salesperson, it makes sense that the more time you have to spend on your actual sales pitches and customers, the more you’ll sell. Automating some of your sales processes can help with that. This course will show you the benefits of automating your sales processes, the most commonly automated processes, and which ones would be of most benefit to you to automate.

10 mins | SCORM | Takeaway Tasks

mSkills - Becoming a Subject Matter Expert 10Min

The rise of online reviews, product tutorials, and deep-dive discussion threads has changed how customers approach products. More and more customers are becoming experts in products before they’ve even made a purchase. And if your customer base is upping their knowledge and insight, you need to do so as well.

Having subject-matter experts, or SMEs, in sales teams is important. Knowing your product through and through can help show customers you’re trustworthy and knowledgeable about your industry. If you can establish yourself as an industry consultant rather than a salesperson, you can build greater trust and insight as you make connections.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Explain the steps needed to be considered a subject-matter expert
• Recognize how becoming an SME can make you an asset to your company and customers
• Identify how SMEs can be integrated at every stage of the sales process

Why take this course?

If you’re a sales executive, sales team manager, or sales representative, becoming an SME can help demonstrate your trustworthiness and understanding of your product and industry. In this course you’ll learn the steps you need to take to be an SME, how being an SME can add value, and how to use your skills at every stage of the sales process.

10 mins | SCORM | Takeaway Tasks

mSkills - Cross-Cultural Negotiations (when Selling) 10Min

When it comes to making sales within your own culture, you’re a shoe-in. You possess a deep understanding of the relevant cultural norms. And you know how to avoid offending or upsetting anyone while negotiating. It’s easy to take that understanding for granted. But when it comes to cross-cultural selling, you’ll need to do some work to develop your cultural intelligence. Otherwise, you could accidentally ruin a great sale by saying or doing something culturally insensitive.

Luckily enough, everyone can develop their cultural intelligence. These days, doing business with prospects who are based in other countries is standard. We’re better connected than ever before. And that’s why taking the time to understand and develop your approach to cross-cultural sales is so vital. Doing so will help you proceed with greater confidence, regardless of the cultural context you’re working in.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Describe the role of cultural intelligence in cross-cultural sales
• Recognize the 4 factors that make up cultural intelligence
• Explain how to take steps to develop your cultural intelligence to succeed in cross-cultural negotiations

Why take this course?

Sales executives, managers, and representatives can all benefit from understanding the impact of cultural intelligence on cross-cultural sales. This course will help you to recognize what cultural intelligence is. And it’ll walk you through how to develop your own, so you can negotiate successfully with customers all over the world.

10 mins | SCORM | Infographic

mSkills - Creating Your Pipeline 10Min

When it comes to selling things, you’ve got it all, right? You’ve got the knowledge, the attitude, the sharp suit; what more could you need? Well, when you’re trying to get ahead, consider metaphorically swapping those loafers for a pair of waterproof, dependable rain boots, because every great salesperson should start by creating their pipeline – building their process from the ground up to ensure they’re working from solid foundations.

A sales pipeline is simply a summary of available and upcoming sales opportunities you can use to better determine key things: any bottlenecks in your sales funnel, projected cash flow, and ultimately to determine the revenue you’ll generate. If you want to make real headway improving your sales performance, then you need to start creating your pipeline. This course is designed to show you where to start.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Define the components of a “pipeline”
• Describe how to move sales along the pipeline, from audience research to making a meeting plan
• Create your own pipeline

Why take this course?

If you work in the sales and marketing world, you need to understand exactly what is meant by a “pipeline”. It’s a common word in the industry, which represents a sales technique you need to know. This course has been designed to give you the foundations to create your own pipeline. It’ll also give you advice and tips on how to start your pipeline from generating and qualifying leads, as well as moving your sales along the pipeline.

10 mins | SCORM | Infographic

mSkills - Effective Presentations 10Min

Sometimes, it’s less about the product and more about the way that product is presented, right? Have you heard of the “Pet Rock”? In theory, that’s a product no one wants, needs, or would even consider buying. I mean, c’mon, it’s a rock! But in reality, it was so well presented that the entrepreneur whose idea it was became a millionaire almost overnight.

If it’s that easy, why doesn’t it happen to everyone? Well, it can. You just need to have a great product or service (you’re already way ahead in that regard) and ensure it’s well presented. To do this, you need to understand what it takes to make a great presentation. This course is designed to help you make one of your own.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

• Explain the art of presentation
• Determine the elements of a strong presentation
• Utilize effective storytelling to improve your presentation

Why take this course?

If you’re working in sales or marketing, you need to make your product shine, so using techniques to put your product or service on the map is a great idea. This course is especially useful for those who need that extra boost of confidence in the boardroom, as it offers tips and advice to get your product noticed and help those sales come flooding in. It’ll help you develop your skills, so you can look prospects in the eye and tell them how much they need your product or service.

10 mins | SCORM | Infographic